Thursday, June 26, 2008


Well , for starters he is doing last hand preparations for his upcoming recording event. It will be done at Union Scene in Drammen 8th and 9th JULY. The idea is to record the new songs with an audience present, to ensure the right energylevel and dynamics.
This will also serve as a little "heads up" to his fans as to what to excpect from his coming release.There is no entrance to be paid this time, but you should reserve your tickets by logging in to Concerts starts 21 each evening. We will further celebrate the event by presenting our own label-Dj, to explore our fine catalogue of previous recordings. Bars will be open, from 18. (photo Per Ole Hagen)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Crusade is on!

This weekend Blue Mood Records attended the first ever European Bluescovention in the Parma region, Italy.

The purpose of this convention was to define some common ground between festivals, artists, promoters, magazines and others. Around 40 different individuals attended, and I must say I`m very happy about the experience. It turned out several of our artists, such as Vidar Busk, Bjørn Berge and Kid Andersen already has lots of attention, recognition and respect.Several key-labels and distributors are watching their progress closely. This is of course good news considering the effort made by Blue Mood to develop new markets in Europe. There might opportunities considering joint-venture projects, based on their catalogues. All in all, I figure that we made a giant leap towards our goal during this week-end, which of course is the battle for new markes for our releases.(foto Per Ole hagen)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

DR BEKKEN stikker utenlands igjen!

DR.BEKKEN TIL TYSKLAND MED NEW ORLEANS-MUSIKERE Den norske jazz- og bluespianisten Tor E Bekken reiser i begynnelsen av juli til Tyskland for å spille konserter på tyske jazz- og bluesfestivaler med musikere fra jazzens fødeby New Orleans. Bekken er hentet inn for å betjene tangentene i et band bestående av musikere fra Irma Thomas' og Marva Wright sine band, samt fra Papa Grows Funk og Wild Magnolias Mardi Gras Indians.Bassist Benny Turner er bror av den avdøde gitaristen Freddie King, og har over førti års fartstid på internasjonale scener, både med King og med andre av bluesens notabiliteter. Forøvrig vil bandet bestå av trommeslager Eddie Dejean, saksofonist Chucky C (fra Irma Thomas Band), gitarist June Yamagishi (Papa Grows Funk; Wild Magnolias) og altså Tor E 'Dr' Bekken.